Rink Booking
Generally, the green is available for use by members from noon until dusk. Mowing and other green maintenance are usually carried out before noon.
A rink booking is required whenever a match is to be played
a) against another club,
b) in a Club Competition,
c) in a County or National competition, or
d) in an internal or external bowling event, e.g. Millenium Triples.
To book a rink, please enter the details on the appropriate page in the A4 size Rink Diary in the Equipment Room at the Club and tell Roger Pitcher; text him on 07949 429192 or email him at pitch01@btinternet.com .
Booking is not required for ‘roll-ups’ but matches take priority over roll-ups for rink selection.
Occasionally, the green will be closed, or partly closed, at short notice. Members will be informed of this by the greenkeeper by email and by a message on the chalkboard (or the rink status markers) on the side of the Clubhouse that you see as you enter.
Playing before noon is sometimes possible, when necessary. Please liaise with the greenkeeper first, then make a booking in the normal way if it is a match.