Shiplake Village Bowling Club is open to all and welcomes all ages, though children often appreciate the presence of a family member at the beginning. Our annual membership for adults is currently £100, payable at the start of the outdoor season, but new members get a significant discount in their first year and younger members have their own rate. We have a selection of bowls and equipment to borrow in the early stages of your bowling career which can help you develop your game.
Full membership entitles you to use of the green and all facilities for practice and club play. There is a small match fee payable for games against outside teams usually including post-match refreshments provided by the home club.
Social events are held throughout the winter and include quiz evenings, indoor games, bingo and cribbage as well as our Presentation Evening in the autumn.
Annual Fees (2023)
Full Member: £100
New Full Member, 1st year £50
Associate Member (non-playing): £20
Young Member: £20
Fees are due before the start of the outdoor season. Monthly rates are available in special circumstances; please contact the Treasurer.